I, sadiq javed had been working in DRDO ( Defence, research and development organization ) of India since 1988, and served my country for four decades...... I was also involved in giving a great power to India i.e Atom Bomb or nuclear bomb......... But, last month these happy eras came to an end and I was suspended by the goverment of India and DRDO and I got jobless.. Being a workless person and to fill my stomach, I gave many appointment to many Defence institution but returned disappointed. Now, when every stored thing has finished and I'm not even having to eat and in the revenge to this cruel world, I'm revealing the world's most secret thing i.e How To Make An Atom Bomb...........despite of knowing that I would be hanged ................ . . . . . . . . . . . Project cost: 5 lakh Dollars Time to be taken: 3 months Things required: 1........ Atoms. 2........ 75 Square feet Room. 3........ Metals including Iron in high quantity. 4........ A big spoon for stirring. 5........ A whole body cover for the protection from the gas that will release in the fission. 6........ A big test tube of height 1 meter and 75 cm wide Procedure :---- First collect atoms of Iron, boxigasment, shronigate (These are the two new Metals that had been kept secret by the Atomic scientist) and sodium... then pour all these atoms into the test tube ( The power of the atom bomb depends on the metals boxigasment and shronigate). then pour three mug of lime water...... then stir the solution unless it get curd type solution... now left the solution for one month, and close the door so that reaction could take place. When you will enter the atomic room after one month, you should wear that body cover as required for protection............... Scene of the solution would have became solid and you will have to cover that by zinc and thin Iron sheets and add one jug of urine that should just be of elephant, ( you can too add potties of cat to empower the Atom bomb ) and left this to react with Iron and urine for again one month....... After two months of generation of your new Atom Bomb, when you will enter the Nuclear Room you will smell some odor looking like the death of Rat.... but don't get worried it is coming from your Baby Atom Bomb and it is in progress... Now, you will need some bone and teeth of tiger ( This was also the secret that the bones driven from Tigers is brought by nations to make their Atom bomb ). After the addition you will have to get blood of human (6 liters)..... At last, and after all the additions...... your project is at the last stage....the last step is that to recite the following lines at the front of your baby Atom bomb ----- om bhavishye mayenama, om balikantha om om Atom bomba om nucleara om om balikantha, om bhavishye mayenama om om nucleara om Atom bomba om After recitation, your bomb has got ready now pack in Iron box and enjoy your Atom Bomb!!... and don't forget to thank Sadiq Javed..
Derived from sadiqjaved.blogspot.com
Derived from sadiqjaved.blogspot.com
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