Bachcha nationalist party

Two years ago when no-one was hearing the voice of common man, a new Party came to be known as Aam Aadmi Party was introduced. Nowadays, the same condition is with children and teen-ager. Nowadays, no-one talks about children, everyone is busy in their buddhi politics but they have forgot the contributions of children in framing this great India... They have forgot that the father of the nation i.e Mahatma Gandhi, once too used to be a child.......                                         Nowadays, no political organization accept children while, no scam case has been proved on us and even no crime................... as done by others....... they say that we do not accept children because they do not have mind then, Who tops the school ?................................... Those budhhas? ......... They have forgot that 50% of Indian population is children.......                                                                                                         When we got disappointed by this buddhi politics................. we made our own party i.e Bachcha Nationalist Party (BNP). Representing the sign of hairs of gandhi ji in the general election........                                                                   Once we get the thrown of Delhi, firstly we will close down all the schools in India that has been a great problem for children.. Our party pledges to pass Bachchapaal ( A law in which parents will have to follow their children ) in the parliament within three days. Once we get the throne of delhi we will add Right to Play in the fundamental right of the citizens............Once we came in the center we will reduce the age limit of facebook to 6 years as many of our bachchaas could not be able to use it....... So, I, Sadiq Javed, the leader of bachcha nationalist party and one of the strongest candidate for prime minister request all our bachcha fellows to vote for yourself....                                                                 
                              Bharatbachcha ki                                                                   ---- Jai! - 

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